Join My Packaging Return Program!

I’m excited to offer a Packaging Return Program as part of my commitment to sustainability. This program allows you to return used product containers, so I can recycle or reuse them, reducing waste and minimizing my environmental impact.

How does it work?

  1. Collect: After finishing your product, clean the container to remove any residue. For candle tins, wipe out the remaining wax with a paper towel while the candle is still warm, then remove the wick tab and rinse with warm, soapy water. For glass bottles, you can simply rinse the bottle with warm, soapy water. Helpful, But Optional: remove the product label before returning the container.

  2. Package: Place the clean containers in a box with packing paper for cushioning. You can reuse the original shipping box or any other box/packaging material you have on hand.

  3. Return: Mail the package back to me. You can request a shipping label by emailing me at If you are local to Portland, you can also email me to coordinate drop-off.

What containers can I return?
Glass bottles and candle tins are accepted. Please ensure they are clean and free of product residue. Unfortunately, we cannot accept containers that are broken or heavily damaged.

What happens to the returned packaging?
Once I receive your containers, I’ll inspect them for quality. Depending on the condition, I’ll either sterilize and reuse them for future products or send them to a recycling facility. This process helps me reduce my environmental footprint and promote a circular economy.

Do I get anything for participating?
As a thank you for helping me reduce waste, you’ll receive a discount code for 10% off your next order when you participate in my Packaging Return Program.

Why should I participate?
By returning your packaging, you’re directly contributing to my sustainability efforts. Together, we can reduce waste, conserve resources, and make a positive impact on the environment.

How do I get started?
Simply start saving your used containers, and follow the steps above when you’re ready to return them. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out — I’m here to help!