5-Minute Aromatherapy Rituals

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool for relaxing the nervous system, letting go of negative energies, and connecting with your true self and your spirit guides. Here are some quick and easy rituals you can do while on-the-go using an Aura Spray or Plant Magic Perfume.

A note before you begin:

Aura Sprays works well for cleansing, releasing and letting go of something that’s not serving you. It can be a helpful tool for calming and cooling an activated nervous system and for creating space to slow down and check in with your deeper Self.

Plant magic perfumes works well for grounding and protection. It can support you in being present in your body, comforting your nervous system and nourishing the skin.

Note: These practices are suggestions only! Feel free to modify to fit your own personal needs. There is no right or wrong way to use either product. Take what works for you and leave the rest. I also encourage you to try any of these suggestions when working with your own homemade aromatherapy oil or spray!


Use an aura spray whenever you need to let go, refresh and cleanse your energy and space.

Use an Aura Spray to instantly shift your mood or cleanse your space. If you find yourself feeling stuck or blocked; are having looping thoughts or anxiety, try taking a 5 minute break from whatever you’re doing. You can do this ritual while at work or school, or even at a family gathering. Simply excuse yourself to the bathroom! No one will object to your need to pee.😉 I would caution against using a spray in a shared space without the consent of other people around you, who may have allergies or smell sensitivities.

Once you’re in the bathroom or other quiet space, spritz your favorite Aura Spray around your body and breathe deeply. Notice any sensations you feel in your body. If it feels good, place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly, and take three more deep breathes. Speak aloud or in your mind say to yourself whatever you need to hear in that moment. I find it helpful to say it to yourself a few times (3 is a magic number).

Some suggestions are:

  • My babe, it’s OK. I’m here for you. You are not alone, I’ve got you!

  • I return to sender any thoughts, feelings, energies or entities that do not belong to me. So will it be!

  • I call my energy back from anywhere it might have been taken without my consent, given away or left behind. My energy is returned back home to me now. And so it is!

  • Recite the affirmation written on the Aura Spray bottle (each scent comes with its own suggested affirmation!)


Use a plant magic perfume to call in your protectors, ground your energy and reconnect with your physical body.

Use a Plant Magic Perfume whenever you need help with grounding and protection. Carry it with you and reapply as needed. Again, take a 5-minute break from whatever you are doing. If necessary, excuse yourself to the bathroom. Use the perfume roller to draw a protective symbol on your skin, then gently massage it in. You can use any symbol that resonates for you. I recommend trying any of the following symbols:

Apply the roller anywhere on your body that needs some extra love and give yourself a mini-massage. Self touch can help you to reconnect with your body and signal the nervous system that you are safe. You may wish to speak aloud or in your mind whatever it is you most need to hear in the moment. I find it helpful to repeat the intention or phrase three times.

Some suggestions are:

  • I am safe. I am loved. I am worthy.

  • I am connected. I am protected. From above, below and all the way around. So will it be!

  • Recite the affirmation written on the perfume box (each scent comes with its own suggested affirmation!)

I hope these ritual suggestions are helpful to you! Please share your experience by writing a review, sharing on social media, or sending me an email! Thank you🙏 Love, Rachel

Try these uplifting botanical scents!

Rachel Beyer

Rachel Beyer is an artist, designer and creative maker from Portland, OR.


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