Gentle Awakening - The Magic Inside My Bestselling Scent

For each scent from my Artist Apothecary line, I craft a specific spellwork intention using pure essential oils, homegrown dried flowers and natural gemstones. I also create watercolor illustrations for the product labels that act as visual spells to evoke the feeling or vibe of the intention.

The scent for Gentle Awakening is a blend of lavender, fir needle and cedarwood essential oils. This floral/woodsy scent is one of the first essential oil blends I created back in 2014 when I first discovered herbal medicine and aromatherapy. I've carried it with me ever since, adding it to my nightly bath, my massage oil and my diffuser. It’s now a go-to remedy for shifting my body and mind into a state of calm grounded-ness.

Over the years as my plant practice has grown, I've begun using scent and aromatherapy to soothe and comfort my nervous system and to communicate with the deeper layers of my being. For me, Gentle Awakening is a helping ally for cultivating a safe space within myself to accept what is, surrender and just BE.

When I initially decided to try making candles to sell at a local shop in 2018, this scent blend was the first to step forward. I gave it the name "Gentle Awakening" as it had been my trusted ally in learning how to hold and love myself through my chronic pain journey and the major life changes that followed (and continue to unfold today). My greatest hope is that it can now be a friend and helper to you, dear Reader, and to anyone who might discover my products and resonate with my special brand of healing magic.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the magic and intention behind my bestselling scent! Gentle Awakening is available as a soy candle, aura spray and roll-on perfume. You can also purchase a gift set of all three items.

Rachel Beyer

Rachel Beyer is an artist, designer and creative maker from Portland, OR.

Super Blood Flower Moon + Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius


Full moon in Scorpio